Support Services

How do I know my sensitive data is secure?

Forte is dedicated to protecting the confidentiality and integrity of your customers' information by providing the highest levels of security. We are certified fully compliant with the PCI Data Security Standard. PCI covers twelve major categories of information security including network design, data storage, intrusion monitoring, and the use of security-aware IT policies. Our compliance meets and exceeds these industry standards as an integral part of our commitment to end-to-end security.

All merchant communication uses high-grade 128-bit TLS to protect your information as it passes through the Internet.

We also encrypt all sensitive information before placing it onto any storage device. We encrypt sensitive information using RSA public/private 2048-bit key technology with a proprietary cryptographic server infrastructure. Our system uses a split-knowledge unlock procedure that ensures no single person within Forte has access to your customers' sensitive information.

Where can I find a global list of PCI DSS-validated service providers?

Click here to see a listing of PCI-DSS compliance service providers as provided by Visa.

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