Support Services

MFA Override by Dex Admins: User Needs to Update Their Phone Number in Dex

Purpose: The purpose of this solution is to provide Dex Admins with the proper steps to take when a user needs to change their phone number for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). This may occur if the user no longer has access to the phone number listed in their Dex profile. Additionally, if a Dex Admin's phone number is not automatically validated during Opt-in, then they shall be asked to enter a different phone number or reach out to Forte. 

NOTE: Permissions and Requirements

1. Admin Roles and Permissions:

  • Partner Admin: Can update phone numbers for users within their Partner organization.
  • Merchant Admin and Enterprise Admin: Can update phone numbers for users within their respective Merchant or Enterprise organizations.
  • Forte Admin: Can update phone numbers for CSG Forte employees.

2. Requirements for Admins to Update Phone Numbers:

  • The Admin making the update must have Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) enabled.
  • The user status (the one whose phone number is being updated) must be either Active or Suspended. If the user is in any other status (e.g., Inactive), they cannot have their phone number updated.

To update a user’s phone number, in dex:

The User status of the user requesting the phone number update must be Active or Suspended

  • From the left menu navigate to Manage>Users

  • From the Users datagrid, select the user to update by clicking on the line containing the users “Username”

  • User will be directed to the “Users Details” screen for the user selected

  • Click on the edit icon next to the phone number in the Users Details screen

  • Upon clicking on the edit icon, the “Admin” is directed to the Extra security step modal to validate themselves.

  • The “Admin” making the update will be required to verify themselves via MFA

  • Once the Admin has been verified, they will be directed to the Edit Phone Number screen of the user selected

  • Admin enters the phone new phone number provided by the user making the request and selects the method for the user requesting the update to receive a code to provide to the admin to complete the update.

  • Upon clicking on send code, the forte employee will be directed to the Enter the Code screen where they will input the code received from the user making the update request.
  • Admin enters the code provided by the user requesting the update and selects “Verify and Update Phone Number”

  • Upon successful verification of the code the phone number is updated and the Admin is directed back to the User Details screen

  • Updated phone number is displayed on the Users datagrid.

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